Supplementary Reading Lists for various aspects of our 4 Year Curriculum
Our EfM Trainers and Mentors, offer the following list of helpful texts, noting they have solid academic content, but are written for a more popular market and should be available through church bookstores, Amazon.ca and other sources.
Year 1
Anderson, Bernhard, W: Understanding the Old Testament
Prentice-Hall, New Jersey, 1986
Berlin, A. and Brettler, Marc Zvi: The Jewish Study Bible
Osford University Press, 2014
Birch, B., Brueggemann W., others: A Theological Introduction to the Old Testament
Nashville, Abingdon Press 2005
Bonfiglio, Ryan P: A Study Companion to the Introduction to the Hebrew Bible by John J. Collins
Augsberg Fortress Press, Minneapolis, Mn, 1989
Collins, John J: Introduction to the Hebrew Bible
Minneapolis, Augsburg Fortress, 2004
Countryman, William: Biblical Authority or Biblical Tyranny? The Christian Pilgrimage.
Cambridge, Cowley 1998.
Ferlo, Roger: Opening the Bible.
Cambridge, Cowley 1998, New Church's Teaching Series Vol. 2
Friedman, Richard E: The Bible With Sources Revealed, A New View Into the Five Books of Moses
New York, Harper Collins, 2003
Grenz, Linda: The Doubleday Pocket Bible Guide.
New York, Doubleday, 1997.
Johnston, Michael: Engaging the Word.
Cambridge, Cowley 1998, New Church's Teaching Series Vol. 3
Trible, Phyllis: God and the Rhetoric of Sexuality [Revised]
Augsburg Fortress, 2005
General Biblical Reference
Atlas of Bible History
New York, Harper Collins, 2008
Achtemeier: Harper Collins Bible Dictionary.
Cambridge Companion to the Bible [2nd Ed]
Eerdmans: Dictionary of the Bible, 2000
Kohlenberger: Concise Concordance to the NRSV (Oxford Press)
Mays: Harper Collins Bible Commentary
Metzger, Bruce M. and Coogan, Michael D {ed.}: The Oxford Companion to the Bible
New York, Oxford University Press, 1993
Muddman, John and Barton, John {ed.}:The Oxford Bible Commentary
Year 2
Brown, Raymond E: The Church the Apostles Left Behind,
New York, Paulist Press, 1984
Collins, Raymond F: Introduction to the New Testament
Doubleday & Co, New York, 1983
Chilton, B, and Good, D: Studying the New Testament
Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2011
House, Wayne H: Chronological and Background Charts of the New Testament
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1981
Price, James L: Interpreting the New Testament {2nd Ed}
Holt, Rinehart & Winston, New York, 1971
Richardson, Alan: A Theological Word Book of the Bible.
SCM Press, 1957
Thomas, Robert L: Charts of the Gospels and the Life of Christ
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan, 1981
Throckmorton, Burton H: Gospel Parallels.
Nashville. Thomas Nelson, 1973.
Year 3
Bettenson, H. and Maunder C.{ed}: Documents of the Christian Church
Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon St. Oxford UK, 1999
Collins, Michael and Price, Matthew: The Story of Christianity: A celebration of 2000 years of Faith
Oxford University Press, 1999
Erdman, Wm B: Erdman's Handbook to the History of Christianity
Erdman's Publishing, Michigan, 1988
Good, D. and Chilton, B: Studying the New Testament
Fortress Press, Minneapolis, 2011
Hill, Jonathan: The History of Christian Thought
Intervarsity Press, Illinois, 2003
Hill, Jonathan: Zondervan Handbook to the History of Christianity
Lion Publishing, Oxford UK, 2006
Lyman, Rebecca: Early Christian Traditions.
Cambridge, Cowley 1999, New Church's Teaching Series Vol. 6
MacCulloch, Diarmaid: Christianity, the First Three Thousand Years
Viking, 2010
McGrath, Alister E: Christian Theology, an Introduction [4th Ed.]
Oxford, Blackwell, 2007.
McGrath, Alister E. {ed}: The Christian Theology Reader [3rd Ed.]
Oxford, Blackwell, 2007.
McIntosh, Mark: Mysteries of the Faith
Cambridge, Cowley 1999, New Church's Teaching Series Vol. 8
Micks, Marianne: Loving the Questions: An Exploration of the Nicene Creed.
Cambridge, Cowley, 1993.
Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church
Oxford University Press (condensed paperback edition)
Rubenstein, Richard E: When Jesus Became God: The Struggle to Define Christianity During the Last Days of Rome.
New York, Harcourt, 1999.
Shelly, Bruce L: Church History in Plain Language
Word Publishing, 1995
Walton, Robert C: Chronological and Background Charts of Church History
Zondervan, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1994
Year 4
Chapman, Mark: Anglicanism: A Very Short Introduction.
Oxford, 2006
Knowles, Norman {ed}: Seeds Scattered and Sown, Studies in the History of Canadian Anglicanism
ABC Publishing, 2008
Malone, Mary T: Women and Christianity – 3 volumes
Novalis, 2001 - 2003
Thompsett, Fredrica Harris: Living With History
Cambridge, Cowley 1999, New Church's Teaching Series Vol. 5
Sykes, Booty, and Knight: The Study of Anglicanism
Fortress Press, 2004
Wingate, Ward, Pemberton, Sitshebo {ed}: Anglicanism, A Global Communion
Church Publishing Inc., 1998
Theological Reflection
Graham, Elaine, Walton, Heather, Ward, Frances: Theological Reflection Methods
London, SCM Press 2005
Robinson, Anthony B: What’s Theology Got to Do with It? Convictions and Vitality in the Church
Alban Institute, 2006.
Stone, Howard and Duke, James: How to Think Theologically.
Minneapolis, Fortress Press, 1996
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Last updated: March 23, 2023